October 31, 2012

I tried taking a break from the previous illustration and it turned into Sailor Jupiter.

Well woops.

October 30, 2012

Illustration in progress

Trying out something new, toot toot.

(No there won't be any text in the final version.)

October 29, 2012

Hey, what's this?

It's the new art book 3D Total will be publishing this winter.

And look!

Just saw today that it was on amazon! Well I knew one of my illustrations would be in it months ago but now it looks offiicial. So yeah, first published illustration out in January! Gonna celebrate that with some ice cream I think, mmh.

October 28, 2012

Still life from this week

The pumpkin and candle were simple enough, but the doll was pretty challenging. It's so cute though! ;)

Master studies (greyscale)


October 22, 2012

New work from the last couple of months.